Preparing Your Dental Practice for a Big Storm
How To Protect Your Valuable Assets Before, During and After Natural Disaster

The workplace is one of the most commonly overlooked segments of hurricane preparedness and HTI is sharing its emergency best practices to make sure you have all of the information you need to recover from a natural disaster, as well as to prevent any impact from a future disaster.
While hurricanes and tropical storms wreak havoc in many ways, there are three primary ways that they can impact a business.
Storms can cause direct damage to operating facilities due to high winds, flooding and debris that
become high-speed projectiles capable of smashing through windows, roofs and other structural
Through extended power outages, road closures and other lasting damages, storms can put a business
out of commission for a week or more. If the natural disaster affects the entire region, this also means
the business will have a harder time communicating with customers, receiving important equipment
from suppliers and working together with their strategic business partners who are also affected by
the disaster.
Businesses usually have advance warning of an approaching storm, however, because storm paths are
notoriously difficult to predict, these warnings can often be false alarms. Some businesses therefore
fail to respond to storm warnings because they don’t know whether the warnings are valid or
unnecessarily. With roughly a dozen named storms occurring along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts each
year, major disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and most recently Hurricane Ida,
certainly underscore the potential damage that can result when such events strike population centers.
However, as there is nothing we can do to prevent nature from running its course, there are several
steps you as a business owner can take to protect the company, the staff and all assets.
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Before you shut down your practice before an impending storm, here are some key actions to take in order to ensure that you will get back up and running as soon as possible.
Step 1 – Back Up Your Data:
Businesses who utilize an established data backup procedure will always recover much more quickly than
those who are reactionary. If a business is just getting started with a backup plan, the first step is to identify
the business' essential data that needs to be backed up. Hurricanes and tropical storms can put access to
your data out of commission for a day, a week, or permanently, so this must be done in advance. HTI
recommends that full backups are performed on a daily basis at a minimum. Data should be stored in the
cloud to keep it safely removed from the physical location. With low overhead, speedy deployment and easy
access to data, cloud-storage solutions offer plenty of options for both smaller and larger dental practices.
The consistency and reliability offered by an offsite infrastructure approach can be invaluable in the days
following a hurricane.
Step 2 – Protect from Water and Wind:
If a business is located in a flood zone, and a hurricane has a potential to impact the area, we recommend
protecting all IT equipment. When a major storm is predicted, be sure to elevate computers, printers,
servers, and other network devices off of the floor. For high winds, move computers away from the windows.
Step 3 – Protect from Power Issues:
Power outages and surges also cause issues for IT equipment. Servers and computers should be plugged into
an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) – to allow them to keep running for a short time when the primary
power source is lost. This helps to maintain data integrity and provides the greatest possible access during
Step 4 – After the Storm:
Initiate damage assessment by taking note of the condition of equipment. If it is visibly damaged or appears
to be wet, DO NOT plug the equipment in or turn it on. Then, verify electrical integrity because computer
equipment should not be turned on if electrical power is unstable. Finally, verify proper operation by
returning the computer to its original location and reattach all peripherals. Plug in all power cords and turn
the computer on. Take note of error messages, write them down and then call our Help Desk.